Sydney Water

With 20 year’s experience as an accredited Sydney Water Water Servicing Coordinator (WSC) we offer a wide range of services from locating Sydney Water assets, to project management and design of Sydney Water infrastructure, certification and approval of developments and projects which require the involvement of a WSC.
We can project manage all your Sydney Water requirements or each of the services in isolation.

Section 73 Certification
Application and Certification for subdivision or development of land

Building Plan Approval
Approval process to build over or adjacent to Sydney Water assets

Locating Sydney Water Services - MGP Inspect
Accurately locate depth and position of Sydney Water assets on/near your property

Inspections - MGP Inspect
Part of the approval and certification process, inspections required at the construction phase of the project

Design - Major and Minor Works
Developments that require a change to the services provided by Sydney Water will come under the category of Major or Minor Works

Locate and provide dilapidation report on your properties stormwater assets for Council and/or Sydney Water

Tap In Assessment
Full assessment of your application and building plans by a technical expert, to determine if your proposed works will affect Sydney Water assets

Pressure Inquiry
A Statement of Available Pressure and Flow identifies available flow and pressure in the Sydney Water network to assist with design requirements

Non-Standard Sydney Water Assets
For non-standard Sydney Water structures/assets there are additional stages, costs and timeframes; this process is called Out of Scope Building Plan Approval (BPA)